Yu Yang's Blog

Python and R

Tools R Interface to Python I found reticulate to be a pretty good tool. The following notes are for this tool. And the following implementations are in RStudio(R in terminal also works). Refere...

R Packages

Create an R package References: Instructions for Creating Your Own R Package Warning about UTF-8 with roxygen2 Create from command line Create a folder named ‘greetings’: mkdir greetin...

Cluster Notes

MSI Jupyter Notebook FileZilla to transfer data files. Cuda and GPU number setting Use the same configuration as in CSE Labs, configure ssh to login without password. Question to ask MSI ...

MinneMUDAC 2019 Student Data Science Challenge

MinneMUDAC 2019 Student Data Challenge is organized by MinneAnalytics every year. There are several divisions: novice division, undergradutate division, and graduate division. For 2019, the problem...

Customize the Favicon

In Chirpy, the image files of Favicons are placed in assets/img/favicons/. You may need to replace them with your own. So let’s see how to customize these Favicons. Whit a square image (PNG, JPG o...

Getting Started

Preparation Follow the Jekyll Docs to complete the installtion of basic environment (Ruby, RubyGem, Bundler and Jekyll). In order to use the script tools to save time, we also need to install Pyth...

Writing a New Post

Naming and Path Create a new file name with the format then put it into _post of the root directory. Front Matter Basically, you need to fill the Front Matter as below at the...

Text and Typography

This Jekyll template totally compatible with Markdown syntax. Now, let’s take a look for the text and typography in this theme. Titles H1 H2 H3 H4 Paragraph I wandered lonely as a cloud ...

Google Cloud Notes

Connect to your instance Compute Engine -> VM instances -> SSH downside triangle -> View gcloud command Paste the command to your terminal Use FileZilla on Google Cloud Platform Sys...

Tips for Using Computers without Feeling Sick

Credits to What is Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) and Tips on How to Stop It and Feel a Little Sick After Lots of Computer Work? This Is Why, According to Science. Use eye drops. Look away fr...