Notes in STAT 8051 project
- Dataset description
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train_data.describe(include=["object", "category"])
- Check the number of NA values
train_data.shape[0] - train_data.dropna().shape[0]
- Set index
train_data = train_data.set_index('claim_number')
- Extract rows
train_data.loc[train_data.annual_income==-1, 'annual_income'] = np.nan
- Transform into categorical variables
train_data["marital_status"] = pd.Categorical(train_data["marital_status"])
- Print the list of missing columns
print(list(itertools.compress(list(train_data), list(train_data.isna().any()))))
- Use mean and mode to do imputation
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annual_income_mean = train_data.annual_income.mean() train_data['annual_income'].fillna(annual_income_mean, inplace=True) marital_status_mode = train_data.marital_status.mode().values[0] train_data['marital_status'].fillna(marital_status_mode, inplace=True)
- One-hot encoding
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# one-hot encoding for state state_dummies = pd.get_dummies(test_data['state'], prefix='state', drop_first=True) test_data = pd.concat([test_data, state_dummies], axis=1) test_data.drop(["state"], axis=1, inplace=True) ### clean up variable names by making them all lowercase with underscore separators. train_data.columns = map( lambda s: s.lower().replace(' ', '_'), train_data.columns )
- Add grouped-by means as the new feature
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## marital_status grouped_marital_status = train["fraud"].groupby(train['marital_status']) grouped_marital_status_mean = grouped_marital_status.mean().to_frame() grouped_marital_status_mean['marital_status']=grouped_marital_status_mean.index grouped_marital_status_mean['fraud_marital_status'] = grouped_marital_status_mean['fraud'] grouped_marital_status_mean.drop('fraud', axis = 1, inplace = True) train = pd.merge(train, grouped_marital_status_mean, on = "marital_status", how = "left") test = pd.merge(test, grouped_marital_status_mean, on = "marital_status", how = "left")
- Seperate dataset into training data and validation data
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## generate row indexes random.seed(300) rindex = np.array(sample(range(len(train)), round(0.7 * len(train)))) train_df = train.iloc[rindex, :] validation_df = train.drop(train.index[rindex])
- Drop a list of variables at once
train_df.drop(["claim_year", "claim_day", "zip_code", "claim_date", "claim_number"], axis =1, inplace=True)
- Show the head and tail of a dataframe
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data.head() data.tail()
- Dataset description
- Barplot with the values as the labels.
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt; plt.rcdefaults() import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.axes as ax objects = ('Adaboost', 'Random Forest', 'Logistic Regression', 'XGBoost', 'LightGBM', 'XGBoost_LightGBM') y_pos = np.arange(len(objects)) performance = (0.719963411, 0.711689776, 0.709100835, 0.725387261, 0.729196909, 0.730128054) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) plt.ylim(0.70, 0.74) rects =, performance, align='center', alpha=0.5) plt.xticks(y_pos, objects) plt.xticks(rotation=30) plt.ylabel('AUC') plt.title('Model Performance') def autolabel(rects): for rect, perf in zip(rects, performance): height = rect.get_height() plt.text(rect.get_x() - rect.get_width()/6, 1.001*perf, '%s' % float(perf)) autolabel(rects)
- Plot binned average
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grouped_safty_rating = train["fraud"].groupby(train['safty_rating']) grouped_safty_rating_mean = grouped_safty_rating.mean().to_frame() grouped_safty_rating_mean['safty_rating'] = grouped_safty_rating_mean.index plt.scatter(grouped_safty_rating_mean["safty_rating"], grouped_safty_rating_mean['fraud']) plt.xlabel("safty_rating") plt.ylabel("fraud rate")
- Barplot with the values as the labels.